03 February 2009


Just my suggestion for a campaign which I feel is needed to rescue Scotland's beleaguered media, and particularly the ongoing shenanigans deployed by Newsquest who own the Herald, Sunday Herald and Evening Times.

I am sure I am not the only one to recognise the downgrading of standards at these newspapers. This is not a criticism of the journalists employed at these titles, but a direct shot at the management. The disgraceful decision to terminate all staff contracts and then issue them with new (worse) terms and conditions, has resulted in experienced staff looking for the exit doors, with the result being that a voluntary trawl ended with so many wanting to leave, Newsquest are now in a panic. At one time working for the Herald was a badge of honour, now journalists do not have that feeling.

It is also my understanding that staff who are offered redundancy are being asked to effectively sign a clause stating that they will not pursue a tribunal against the management.

To use antediluvian anti worker legislation does Newsquest no credit.

Newsquest is not a company facing difficult times. Their profits are soaring. The parent company Gannet publicly state that they see reader contributor stories as the way ahead. Readers do not expect this at the longest established English language newspaper in the world. The Evening Times is fast becoming an extended edition of the in-house Glasgow City Council magazine.

Perhaps it is time to seriously consider the Irish Times model, which is owned by a Trust as the way forward for these titles.

All of us as readers need to voice our concerns at the outrageous employment practices deployed by Newsquest, and the dumbing down of our media, particularly at what was once the best titles in the Country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're becoming wise to Labour's latest spin.

With these follow ups.

Glasgow Labour's school policy

Iain Gray undermined