07 May 2008


I have been thinking a lot about last year, but even I could not have foreseen the ultimate uturn as displayed in the last few days by Wendy Alexander and New Labour in Scotland, for they now support a referendum on Independence for Scotland!

Only a year ago, Wendy was lecturing the Scottish people that the Scottish Parliament could not legislate for a referendum, now obviously things has dramatically changed. Interestingly, the British Labour Party (Scotland Region) was lagging in the polls until 2 weeks before the election, when someone had a brain wave in John Smith House, and decided to remove Wendy from our screens - cue New Labour fightback, and removing the threat of a Nationalist landslide.

Where this leaves other Unionist parties will the source of some debate, but to put in my tuppence worth, it signals the end of the Calman Commission before it has even started! A fact that was emphasised by both Annabel Goldie and Nicol Stephen tonight.

More importantly, the media have extracted that there was a complete miscommunication between the BLP in Scotland and Downing Street.

For Wendy, this appears to be the last throw of the dice in a controversially laden leadership, the end game for Wendy and the Union. With New Labour in a mess, Wendy has added to the chaos. Given the Scottish Government have committed to a referendum in 2010, many impartial observers will see this move as needless, except that this is the last desperate act by a very desperate person.

One thing is for sure, New Labour have surrendered the constitutional debate in Scotland for a least a generation.

As Wendy says..... Bring it on!

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