24 May 2008


A very busy week or so, campaigning and Trade Union work, ensures that I have been unable to blog, however, i hope to put this right in the next few days.

Like many i tuned in to "Thriller Thursday" or the result from Crewe and Nantwich!

New Labour are finished. Like the liberals last century they have alienated their core base of support. David Cameron, the author of the most right wing manifesto in living memory, has no philosophical differences with Gordon Brown. Privatisation, PFI, means tested benefits, regressive taxation, and imperialist wars are all key components of both their economic programme.

New Labour got what it deserved for running a campaign of class politics as a student stunt, rather than on a political programme, and for running a xenophobic campaign that alienated many of its supporters.

There is now only one way to stop the Tory vultures from ruling Scotland from Westminster, and that is to elect as many SNP Candidates as possible. Only the SNP represent a social democratic programme that chimes with the views of most Scots.

An NHS free at the point of use, the ending of PFI/PPP and ensuring that Public Assets remain in public hands, Taxation based on fairness and the ability to pay, show that the Scottish Government and the SNP represent the only social democratic route to ensure the Tories do not govern Scotland.

New Labour are reaping the rewards of abandoning everything the Trade Union and Labour Movement stood for.

The Conservatives would bring disaster to Scotland, and an even more right wing agenda, which would punish the most vulnerable in our society.

Only the SNP can stop them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Metropolitan meeja should also re-appraise themselves with events north of Watford and historic results.