24 December 2007


Its my final blog before Christmas, but don't worry I will be posting my predictions for 2008 before the year ends, and I have come to the conclusion that the Scottish political scene has gone stark raving bonkers. To quote my good friend, Alex Dingwall, "I know this is the panto season but this is ridiculous!

In what has become a tumultuous year in Scottish politics, even my breath was taken away with the news that Ruth Black, Scotland's only Solidarity Councillor, and a Councillor in the Westminster Boundary of Glasgow South West, has defected to the British Labour Party (Scotland Region). I have deliberately not posted my thoughts on this for a few days so I could give a measured analysis, but my gut instincts are the same as they were when I heard the news.

To switch from Solidarity to New Labour is just unbelievable. To switch to a Party responsible for the Iraq war, and to be an elected representative in a Council ward where leading Anti-war Campaigner, Rose Gentle resides defies belief. To switch to a Party that is arguably the staunchest in its defence of the UK is beyond description. To switch to a Party that is up to its neck in sleaze due to donations from multi millionaires is unimaginable. To become a member of a group which is choosing new models of service delivery, i.e. privatising some of its services, is an outrage. A switch from the Hard left to the Centre Right in one fell swoop.

The excuse that it is the equalities agenda that is the reason for this conversion is mind numbingly naive. It is the SNP who were the loudest voice for the equalities agenda for many years, and still are, particularly in Glasgow where Councillor Alex Dingwall is a staunch defender, having exposed Council policies such as having to "out" yourself to attend the Councils Gay and Lesbian forum. Ruth Black knows this.

The only sensible conclusion is that this is a career move rather than a road to Damascus conversion. A conversion similar to Palpatine seducing Anakin Skywalker in Return of the Sith. Unfortunately for Ruth, I fear she will now be a figure of fun in political circles.

Interestingly, Ruth Black would not have been a Councillor had the SNP put forward 2 candidates in the Craigton ward. Instead the people of Craigton now have to suffer 3 New Labour Councillors at least to 2011, or perhaps 2012. A very long time to wait to deliver a verdict. The voters of Craigton I am sure will not forget.

Elsewhere, New Labour are in denial that they broke the law, the Lib Dems pretend that they are the honest brokers, when no-one is less honest or less broke, and sleazy with it as the First Minister reminded us this week. The Tories well simply barking.

The panto season is in full flow.....

1 comment:

Calum Cashley said...

"don't worry I will be posting my predictions for 2008 before the year ends,"

come on, come on!