23 September 2007


A very interesting week in Scottish politics. In addition to this I have noticed some blogs who are utilising my State of Play blog to inspire their own efforts at merging football punditry with Scottish politics. Imitation and flattery and all that!

However, this weekend's events in particular bring my mind back to a conversation with one of our more seasoned activists at last years SNP conference in Perth. I had remarked to him that the conference was one of the best in terms of atmosphere, and the contagious positive and upbeat energy proved to be the launch pad for the most successful election in SNP history. The seasoned activist remarked to me that the best conference he could remember was the 1974 conference in Elgin, just weeks after Scotland had elected Scotland's XI.

The comparisons between this year and 1974 are becoming surreal.

The possibility of GB asking Brenda to call an early election gives the SNP a very real possibility to record another fantastic election result, and the 2nd in a year just like 1974. For Brown read Wilson wanting a mandate, for Heath there is the unpopular Cameron and Tory activist unrest.

Every SNP activist I speak to believes an early election will be good for us, and bad for the Tories and the Fib Dems.

BLP Scotland Region however, are having a terrible time, spurning the opportunity to rethink by being more and more negative, my predicted "dressing room unrest" caused by Wendy Alexander - quicker than even I expected though!, and allowing their eccentrics free publicity - for Foulkes sake keep talking George!

An early election gives the Scottish people a chance to elect MP's who will fight Scotland's corner, to give the Scottish Government increased support for the changes they wish to implement and to increase the pressure for more powers to be transferred, as well as add fresh impetus to the National Conversation.

Another chance for positive politics to defeat doom and gloom.

I guess we will all be on tenterhooks to see if GB will make his move in Bournemouth or just after the gathering of the dark side.

Go for it Gordie - We're ready, and history may just be on our side!

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