15 September 2007


Yes indeed! Scotland's International football team remain unbeaten under a SNP Government! One can only speculate at to the result of an Independence referendum had we decided to go for it on Thursday! Attaching a referendum on the back of a Scotland is however a very, very risky strategy.

It was absolutely fantastic to watch it in the pub. WHAT A NIGHT! The moment Faddy hit the ball their seemed like a few minutes of silence, which was probably only a second. It took just one person to shout YES! Cue mass hysteria.

A very enjoyable night indeed.

The key point however is that once again we appear to be able to produce high quality footballers, and that can only be good for the country. I believe that this is partly down to the re-emergence of an organised structure appearing at youth and school level. When i attended secondary school, there was not one school football team in the 5 years i was there, not that i would have made it mind you, although we certainly had a lot of talent on display at our 15 a side games either in the playground or at the local park when lunchtimes where 90 minutes! The aftermath of a very bitter teachers dispute put paid to any sports teams which did not emerge until i had left.

It looks like the dark days for our football team have been dispensed with too.

The fact that our international team is relatively young suggests we could be in for some very good times indeed. If Scotland were in any other group we would qualify for sure.

Every country needs a culture and sport outlet. Now is the time to re-inforce it. With Glasgow, potentially hosting the Commonwealth games, we need to make sure that we invest in proper sporting facilities for all, in all sports. Lets make sure we don't face those dark days again, when any Scottish performance was dreaded. Now is the time to ensure the dark days are in the history books.

Perhaps then we can attach a referendum to a Scottish match - World Cup Final anyone?

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