03 April 2010


The Westminster Election can be officially called any day now, and as I stated at the UNISON Retired Members Hustings last week, you have to feel sorry for the electorate in England, such is the level of debate between the Tories and New Labour.

Why they believe in putting each others leaders in their material and posters beggars belief.  If the SNP is such an irrelevance why do they both direct so much fire on us?

Of course when they both promise big cuts in Public Spending, (even more than Thatcher did in the 1980's,) it is little wonder when you are told from Labour and Tory voters that they will not vote in this election on the doorstep.

The expenses debacle is still an issue, and the anger of the public is just as fierce as it was 6 months ago.

Elections are all about choices and values.  With the so-called big two bereft of ideas, or values, we must ensure that the SNP message is heard.

The need for a fiscal stimulus, protecting public services and spending, the need to to retain Attendance Allowance, and moreover, the need for political representatives to rebuild a relationship with the voters, by championing their communities, and cancelling the replacement of Trident, are all reasonating on the doorstep.

Only the Scottish National Party have the choices and values to properly represent the people at this election.

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