24 August 2008


After all these years it seems that Maggie Thatcher is still the bogeywoman of Scottish Politics, and even though they have fallen in love with her politics, New Labour have been trying to kick up a fuss over comments Alex Salmond made this week.

As Ian Dale, whose interview has stirred up this farce, quite rightly says, you must be delusional to believe that the SNP is Thatcherite.

Alex Salmond quite rightly pointed out that the social devastation of her policies are what is mostly resented by the Scottish people. For Labour politicians and bloggers to kick up a stink, is simply ludicrous. For it is they who have supported her legacy, through STILL arguing for more privatisation and PFI schemes, STILL supporting regressive taxation policies, STILL giving low income households a kicking, STILL pursuing a foreign policy that is based on greed, lust of power, and disregarding human rights, and STILL leave Scottish workers with less protective employment legislation than Dubya's America.

It is the SNP who are commanding the left of centre, and centre left of Scottish politics.

Even now, after its humbling in Glasgow East, New Labour think that to smear opponents with unbelievable statements is going to bring back electoral success. They are wrong.

Having taken Industrial Action this week, it was surreal seeing the contenders for British Labour Party (Scotland Region), Scottish Parliament Branch Leadership contest, there, showing their support. Pity they showed little regard for Public Sector pay in office and under better economic conditions than now. More and more, the analysis of New Labour's record when the economy was allegedly booming will come back to haunt.

Still, they never complained when the bogeywoman, was invited by New Labour leaders for tea either............

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