30 March 2008


A number of months ago I took a test on a website which it stated would tell me where I am on the political compass. I was placed right next to Nelson Mandela which is not a bad accolade at all.

After her address to the Conference in Aviemore, it is clear that Wendy Alexander doesn't have a clue about what a political compass is.

I watched her speech live, and to be honest flat would be a polite description. Firstly there was the wee jokes at the beginning and trying to obtain a touchy feely image - cue tumbleweed (in true shooting stars tradition!)

Her constant sniping at the SNP was woeful, and to describe the SNP as right wing and herself as a socialist shows she ain't got a scooby doo about a political compass.

Wendy is the same person who gave Glasgow the great white elephant that is the GHA, supports private sector involvement in education and health, and like Gordon Brown believes in the free market, with little state involvement, and her international agenda is akin to George.W.Bush because yes she supported the Iraq War. Some socialist!

As Iain McWhirter concludes today, The Scottish Government has introduced a freeze on the Council Tax across Scotland, therefore, sending a signal that regressive tax is bad, is on the way to delivering free prescriptions, abolished student fees, begun a pilot for free school meals, given equal rights to children of asylum seekers to name just a few. Not very right wing is it.

The fact is that the SNP has delivered the most socially democratic programme for Government for a generation.

Silly smears wont work just as they didn't work in May last year. Whilst Wendy and her band of followers continue to snipe and obtain ridicule for their analysis of Scottish politics and Scottish life, The SNP will continue to deliver, and continue the legacy of Hardie, Wheatley and others who brought major positive change to the Scottish people.


Anonymous said...

Her history is not much better.

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Anonymous said...

They're off again.