17 February 2008


A legal first achieved by Wendy Alexander, the only person to plead guilty only to get a not proven verdict (from the electoral commission), the utter chaos that poses itself as New Labour in Scotland (Or the British Labour Party Scotland Region as my avid readers like me to call it!), where their Westminster, Holyrood and Council Groups appear to be at odds with each other, and a disgraceful slur by a North Lanarkshire Labour Councillor on the SNP have all gained headlines recently.

The main issue to dominate however, is the excellent news that Scotland's local authorities have signed up to freeze the Council Tax, perhaps the second most hated piece of taxation in Scottish history - with its predecessor being the first.

My thoughts have concentrated on Glasgow, where unforgivably local government workers find that their jobs are under threat via the media, rather than through consultation and negotiation with the Trade Unions. This is completely unacceptable in a modern and democratic society.

The tax freeze and the concordat between the Scottish Government and Scotlands Councils give the SNP an opportunity to show local communities our priorities. A more accountable Council, will provide the local electorate a focus on priorities.

Accountabilty can only boost the party, with a message of hope, ambition, vision and ideals, Scotland's communites know the SNP care.

Whilst our opponents detest accountablity as an inconvenience, Scotland's Party know that being more accountable, and transparent is the correct way forward, and right for the good governance of the nation as a whole.

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