Another busy week for yours truly, but found the time to see Glasgow's No.1 football team emerge victorious against Dunfermline in the Scottish Cup, which believe it or not was for the first time ever. The main focus this week, and the constant thought going through my head, is another key difference between the SNP and our Unionist opponents.
Tonight, I watched my unionist opponent, bizarrely attack the shipbuilding Trade unions for their concerns over the future of the shipyards on the Clyde. I would now doubt whether the GMB fund Mr.Davidson's campaign after that faux pas! To describe their concerns as scaremongering is either ignorance or downright stupidity.
Ever the loyalist, Ian probably thinks that the flak should move from the Westminster Government to someone else over this latest crisis. A similar tactic that is used by the Republicans in America. Make you scared of it, and find someone to blame.
Let there be no doubt, the Trade unions are correct to be worried. The decisions by the New Labour led Westminster Government over contracts continues to put penny pinching before the common good. The recommendation to class six "auxiliary" vessels, which will be used by the Royal Navy, as commercial rather than military, bear this out, as does the decision to delay aircraft carrier work.
With a tight budget being given to the MOD, can New Labour be trusted? Just ask workers at Ferguson's in Port Glasgow, where a similar stunt was pulled. Trade Union leaders like Jamie Webster, who care passionately for the future of shipbuilding on the Clyde, have every right to be concerned.
My other focus this week, as well as over the last few months, was the awful decision by Nicol Stephen, then Transport Minister, to market test the NADICS service, a traffic control service provided by Glasgow City Council, for the whole of Scotland. An ideal service being provided by what politicians now call partnership working.
The rationale behind this being suspect, was made worse by Transport Scotland botching the contract, having questionably made the contract specification difficult for Glasgow to compete for, was then made even worse by the failure to put proper protections in place for existing staff who now face being transferred to private sector providers with a large cut in pension provision, or what I like to call deferred pay. The lack of detail in the contract covering Protocols agreed by the then Scottish Executive and the STUC, and more incredibly the Cabinet Office Guidance on Staff Transfers in the Public sector, prove that our unionist opponents have little regard for workers. Transport Scotland, an unaccountable quango ripe for culling, have only a few days to sort this out, or else the legal channels beckon. There can be no excuse for ignoring Government documents which clearly describe that these types of contracts should have staff protection clauses in place.
So another choice for the voter, penny pinching versus the common good, or putting People before Profit.
I know what I would choose every time.
24 January 2008
16 January 2008
Well the sleep cycles are back on track, after being off work during the festive season, and the workload is back to its high level, the campaigning is back on track, and so I've now got the time for another blog post.
The main political struggle over the last few weeks is about accountability. On the one hand we have Wendy Alexander and New Labour who believe that their own Councillors cannot be trusted, and are determined to weaken local democracy, as opposed to the well received news from the SNP Government that Councils are to receive funding with less ring-fencing.
It really is staggering that Labour, who only just longer than a decade ago were demanding protection for local authorities under a Conservative Government, are adopting the Thatcherite tactic, that local authorities have to be instructed on what to do. The repeated statements from Wendy Alexander in particular, that Councils and Councillors will not fund programs to protect the weak and disadvantaged in society is grossly insulting to those who seek local office no matter which political affiliation they have. The whole point is that Councils should they choose can now spend additional monies on these programs if they so desire.
Moves away from ring-fencing strengthen local democracy, they give voters a greater opportunity to hold Councils to account for their budget commitments and give voters clear choices when it comes to election time. As the move towards separating Council elections from Holyrood will bear out, they deliver voter participation on local issues.
Wendy Alexander's recent media performances have been nothing short of disgraceful, whilst Brian Currie's thoughtful article in the Evening Times regarding the split between New Labour Councillors and their Holyrood counterparts show that New Labour have learned nothing from the elections, as Brian notes.
The real agenda against ending ring-fencing, is that New Labour want to increase our Council Tax, a grossly unfair tax, as they perceive regressive taxation as the way forward.
Another excellent piece of news, is the Scottish Government's announcement that it is intending to move towards elections for Health Boards. This will bring real changes to how Health Boards operate, will increase increased interest in its work, and will finally bring real accountability on the decisions these health boards make. Unquestionably, this will make health care more local and more responsive. No more will hospitals be threatened with closure after a health board has narrowed the parameters for consultation. Elections to health boards will bring a new broom to the Health Service and will see a fresh approach.
All in all, a good time for local accountability.
The main political struggle over the last few weeks is about accountability. On the one hand we have Wendy Alexander and New Labour who believe that their own Councillors cannot be trusted, and are determined to weaken local democracy, as opposed to the well received news from the SNP Government that Councils are to receive funding with less ring-fencing.
It really is staggering that Labour, who only just longer than a decade ago were demanding protection for local authorities under a Conservative Government, are adopting the Thatcherite tactic, that local authorities have to be instructed on what to do. The repeated statements from Wendy Alexander in particular, that Councils and Councillors will not fund programs to protect the weak and disadvantaged in society is grossly insulting to those who seek local office no matter which political affiliation they have. The whole point is that Councils should they choose can now spend additional monies on these programs if they so desire.
Moves away from ring-fencing strengthen local democracy, they give voters a greater opportunity to hold Councils to account for their budget commitments and give voters clear choices when it comes to election time. As the move towards separating Council elections from Holyrood will bear out, they deliver voter participation on local issues.
Wendy Alexander's recent media performances have been nothing short of disgraceful, whilst Brian Currie's thoughtful article in the Evening Times regarding the split between New Labour Councillors and their Holyrood counterparts show that New Labour have learned nothing from the elections, as Brian notes.
The real agenda against ending ring-fencing, is that New Labour want to increase our Council Tax, a grossly unfair tax, as they perceive regressive taxation as the way forward.
Another excellent piece of news, is the Scottish Government's announcement that it is intending to move towards elections for Health Boards. This will bring real changes to how Health Boards operate, will increase increased interest in its work, and will finally bring real accountability on the decisions these health boards make. Unquestionably, this will make health care more local and more responsive. No more will hospitals be threatened with closure after a health board has narrowed the parameters for consultation. Elections to health boards will bring a new broom to the Health Service and will see a fresh approach.
All in all, a good time for local accountability.
03 January 2008
A guid new year tae yin and a!
A very busy time over the festive season, and I hope all my avid readers had a special time. As Calum Cashley has correctly pointed out, I have not yet made my predictions for 2008. No doubt New Labour have issued the press release over another broken promise!
Anyway here goes....
The SNP celebrate Burns' nicht with a 20 point lead in opinion poll ratings due to Donorgate, Good Governance and more outrageous revelations exposed under the 30 year rule.
Strathclydes' finest visit Paisley and arrest Wendy Alexander. Under pressure to resign, New Labour issue a press release about the Scottish Governments broken promises. Gordon Brown is reported to have smiled at least once during the month, however this is dismissed by an official spokesperson as the PM having suffered from toothache.
Giuliani wins the Republican and Edwards wins the Democrat New Hampshire primaries.
In a sensational St.Valentines day, the SNP win 6 local Council by elections just days after Charlie Gordon resigns his seat. The press call this the ST.Valentines day massacre, as a reported 40% swing goes from New Labour to the SNP.
Wendy Alexander finally resigns the leadership of the British Labour Party (Scotland Region).
Nicol Stephen volunteers to step in until a successor is found, until it is pointed out that Lib Dem Leaders can only do so, in the event that New Labour are in government. Hell will freeze over when that happens again comments Tavish Scott.
The SNP emerge victorious in the Cathcart by-election with a majority of 7000, and a record swing. New Labour's campaign of "TRUST NEW LABOUR TO DELIVER" is seen as a disaster, and a reason for their 4th place showing.
The Conservatives now paint themselves as the official opposition in waiting.
In an extraordinary twist, Darth Vader and an ageing Emperor Sidious pull out of the race to succeed Wendy Alexander, a close aide to the Dark ones claims that the evil within New Labour is too strong.
Four major Trade Unions, ahead of the next months STUC announce their support for Independence, as this is viewed as the only way to achieve Trade Union policy being put into practice.
Amid much fanfare, on the 1st April the dream ticket of George Foulkes and Jim Devine is revealed as the new leadership team for the British Labour Party (Scotland Region).
The new team announce their first engagement as meeting Nicol Stephen and Annabel Goldie on how to make the union stronger.
All major Presidential Candidates meet the First Minister and his team in Washington for the Tartan Day celebrations, as they all want to be seen with a major International Leader.
The SNP lead 30 percentage points in the opinion polls with New Labour and the Conservatives tied on 15% each.
The STUC Annual Congress votes to support Independence as part of the National Conversation consultation.
The nation celebrates the first anniversary of the election of the SNP Government, as confidence in the Public and Private Sectors reach unparalleled levels. Whilst the Westminster Government forecast more economic doom, Scotland is flourishing. Alex Salmond offers a loan to Westminster to ease its troubles and in the spirit of International relations.
This offer of generosity is rejected.
John Edwards edges out Hilary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. His Convention slogan "ITS TIME" is viewed as one of the major reasons for his success.
After ten recounts at the Republican Convention, a nomination for Jeb Bush from the floor, results in Governor Bush emerging victorious. The Republicans election strategy is how the Democrats sums don't add up, and that a Democratic White House will result in Armageddon (sound familiar?).
The Scottish Parliament reconvenes with whispers of defections and mergers. The SNP start the new session on 67% in the opinion polls with New Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems on 10% each.
The Independence Referendum Bill is published.
In an unfortunate sense of timing Wendy Alexander and Charlie Gordon receive custodial sentences, just 2 days prior to the Paisley North By-Election.
In contrast to last years euphoria, Gordon Brown resigns in disgrace prior to the British Labour Party Conference. The Conference ends with new anthem "Always look on the bright side of life".
In a hastily called Leadership Battle, George Foukles backs David Milliband. Jack Straw is elected leader.
The Conservatives allow their Scottish Branch federal status.
An opinion poll published prior to the SNP Conference shows a huge lead for Independence much to the chagrin of Unionist commentators. The Conference is a positive and uplifting occasion, with no mention of the opposition. The first Conference with several Trade Unions in attendance in a voting capacity is dubbed a success. Its a pleasure to be among the most socially democratic political party for decades says one General Secretary.
In shocking news, a New Labour MSP makes a positive and constructive contribution in the Scottish Parliament. The media speculates whether this individual is about to defect to the SNP.
With their support in freefall, many New Labour MSP's discuss forming an electoral pact with their fellow unionists. George Foulkes and Jim Devine, having been devoid of an idea since they took office give this a ringing endorsement. Nicol Stephen states quite clearer that he will do what George tells him. Annabel Goldie gives the idea a cautious welcome, though Gerald Warner writes an article about how the Tories don't need them. The Scotland on Sunday leads with the headline "SNP support in freefall" as it emerges that the SNP has "only" 60% support.
The Edwards/Clinton ticket win New Mexico after 3 recounts to win the Presidential Election. Despite Republican attempts to take the result to court, Jeb Bush finally concedes 2 weeks later.
On St.Andrews Day, at a hastily convened Press Conference with George Foulkes, Annabel Goldie and Nicol Stephen, it is announced that they are to merge Political parties in order to "Save the Union". After a Special Conference, and in Internal Session, this New Party decides on a new name that will encompass all that they believe. After much fanfare they decide on.......
British Unionist Reform Party (Scotland Region).
All remaining Trade Unions which were still part of New Labour, resign and join the SNP. After a complex electoral college, the leadership team for BURP (Scotland Region) of Annabel Goldie and Jim Devine is announced.
However, 10 former New Labour MSP's resign to form the New Labour Popular Party, 3 Conservative MSP's form the Peoples Scottish Conservative Party, and 4 Lib Dems announce a new party called Liberal Democratic Peoples Scottish Party.
After a lively debate in the Scottish Parliament, the Independence Referendum Bill passes with a wafer thin majority, thanks to the Greens, who announce that they have no plans to merge with anyone.
The referendum is to be brought forward 1 year early. The current poll shows 69% in favour for Independence.
Have a good new year everyone.
A very busy time over the festive season, and I hope all my avid readers had a special time. As Calum Cashley has correctly pointed out, I have not yet made my predictions for 2008. No doubt New Labour have issued the press release over another broken promise!
Anyway here goes....
The SNP celebrate Burns' nicht with a 20 point lead in opinion poll ratings due to Donorgate, Good Governance and more outrageous revelations exposed under the 30 year rule.
Strathclydes' finest visit Paisley and arrest Wendy Alexander. Under pressure to resign, New Labour issue a press release about the Scottish Governments broken promises. Gordon Brown is reported to have smiled at least once during the month, however this is dismissed by an official spokesperson as the PM having suffered from toothache.
Giuliani wins the Republican and Edwards wins the Democrat New Hampshire primaries.
In a sensational St.Valentines day, the SNP win 6 local Council by elections just days after Charlie Gordon resigns his seat. The press call this the ST.Valentines day massacre, as a reported 40% swing goes from New Labour to the SNP.
Wendy Alexander finally resigns the leadership of the British Labour Party (Scotland Region).
Nicol Stephen volunteers to step in until a successor is found, until it is pointed out that Lib Dem Leaders can only do so, in the event that New Labour are in government. Hell will freeze over when that happens again comments Tavish Scott.
The SNP emerge victorious in the Cathcart by-election with a majority of 7000, and a record swing. New Labour's campaign of "TRUST NEW LABOUR TO DELIVER" is seen as a disaster, and a reason for their 4th place showing.
The Conservatives now paint themselves as the official opposition in waiting.
In an extraordinary twist, Darth Vader and an ageing Emperor Sidious pull out of the race to succeed Wendy Alexander, a close aide to the Dark ones claims that the evil within New Labour is too strong.
Four major Trade Unions, ahead of the next months STUC announce their support for Independence, as this is viewed as the only way to achieve Trade Union policy being put into practice.
Amid much fanfare, on the 1st April the dream ticket of George Foulkes and Jim Devine is revealed as the new leadership team for the British Labour Party (Scotland Region).
The new team announce their first engagement as meeting Nicol Stephen and Annabel Goldie on how to make the union stronger.
All major Presidential Candidates meet the First Minister and his team in Washington for the Tartan Day celebrations, as they all want to be seen with a major International Leader.
The SNP lead 30 percentage points in the opinion polls with New Labour and the Conservatives tied on 15% each.
The STUC Annual Congress votes to support Independence as part of the National Conversation consultation.
The nation celebrates the first anniversary of the election of the SNP Government, as confidence in the Public and Private Sectors reach unparalleled levels. Whilst the Westminster Government forecast more economic doom, Scotland is flourishing. Alex Salmond offers a loan to Westminster to ease its troubles and in the spirit of International relations.
This offer of generosity is rejected.
John Edwards edges out Hilary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. His Convention slogan "ITS TIME" is viewed as one of the major reasons for his success.
After ten recounts at the Republican Convention, a nomination for Jeb Bush from the floor, results in Governor Bush emerging victorious. The Republicans election strategy is how the Democrats sums don't add up, and that a Democratic White House will result in Armageddon (sound familiar?).
The Scottish Parliament reconvenes with whispers of defections and mergers. The SNP start the new session on 67% in the opinion polls with New Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems on 10% each.
The Independence Referendum Bill is published.
In an unfortunate sense of timing Wendy Alexander and Charlie Gordon receive custodial sentences, just 2 days prior to the Paisley North By-Election.
In contrast to last years euphoria, Gordon Brown resigns in disgrace prior to the British Labour Party Conference. The Conference ends with new anthem "Always look on the bright side of life".
In a hastily called Leadership Battle, George Foukles backs David Milliband. Jack Straw is elected leader.
The Conservatives allow their Scottish Branch federal status.
An opinion poll published prior to the SNP Conference shows a huge lead for Independence much to the chagrin of Unionist commentators. The Conference is a positive and uplifting occasion, with no mention of the opposition. The first Conference with several Trade Unions in attendance in a voting capacity is dubbed a success. Its a pleasure to be among the most socially democratic political party for decades says one General Secretary.
In shocking news, a New Labour MSP makes a positive and constructive contribution in the Scottish Parliament. The media speculates whether this individual is about to defect to the SNP.
With their support in freefall, many New Labour MSP's discuss forming an electoral pact with their fellow unionists. George Foulkes and Jim Devine, having been devoid of an idea since they took office give this a ringing endorsement. Nicol Stephen states quite clearer that he will do what George tells him. Annabel Goldie gives the idea a cautious welcome, though Gerald Warner writes an article about how the Tories don't need them. The Scotland on Sunday leads with the headline "SNP support in freefall" as it emerges that the SNP has "only" 60% support.
The Edwards/Clinton ticket win New Mexico after 3 recounts to win the Presidential Election. Despite Republican attempts to take the result to court, Jeb Bush finally concedes 2 weeks later.
On St.Andrews Day, at a hastily convened Press Conference with George Foulkes, Annabel Goldie and Nicol Stephen, it is announced that they are to merge Political parties in order to "Save the Union". After a Special Conference, and in Internal Session, this New Party decides on a new name that will encompass all that they believe. After much fanfare they decide on.......
British Unionist Reform Party (Scotland Region).
All remaining Trade Unions which were still part of New Labour, resign and join the SNP. After a complex electoral college, the leadership team for BURP (Scotland Region) of Annabel Goldie and Jim Devine is announced.
However, 10 former New Labour MSP's resign to form the New Labour Popular Party, 3 Conservative MSP's form the Peoples Scottish Conservative Party, and 4 Lib Dems announce a new party called Liberal Democratic Peoples Scottish Party.
After a lively debate in the Scottish Parliament, the Independence Referendum Bill passes with a wafer thin majority, thanks to the Greens, who announce that they have no plans to merge with anyone.
The referendum is to be brought forward 1 year early. The current poll shows 69% in favour for Independence.
Have a good new year everyone.
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