15 November 2007


Progress is for me the key theme as John Swinney released Scotland's budget over the next three years, in contrast to the New Labour benches whose negativity towards Scotland reaches unparalleled levels.

A phased programme towards free prescriptions, reductions in class sizes, removing health inequalities within Scotland via investment, increased police on our streets, increased free nursery provision, and a freeze on the unfair, regressive, Council Tax are for me, the main highlights which will please hard working families across the nation.

Given that the SNP faced the tightest spending round since devolution, we were able to show that a Government with a clear purpose, focus and ambition, can still produce good governance. Just imagine how good this budget would have been in an Independent Scotland.

Whilst the pledge to eradicate student debt has had to be shelved, for now, it is clear that we have the talent to produce good government and to take the country forward. With more powers, so much more can be done.

As a local government worker and trade unionist, I am delighted that Councils will have more freedom to concentrate on its priorities, which can only enhance local democracy and increase accountability.

Of course with all this good news, you would think that our opponents would welcome such a progressive package for our Country.

Instead, they still wallow in their negativity. Indeed, I am pretty sure that if our MSP's were playing opposition political speak bingo, those with the words "broken promise" would have the greatest chance of shouting house! It is clear that the opposition find themselves less and less relevant and out of touch with the peoples priorities.

The SNP committed itself to progress for Scotland..........

Our achievements in the next four years will see that commitment realised.

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