06 October 2007


A quality of leadership is to be decisive, a quality that Gordon Brown now needs to show this weekend.

The constant speculation on an impending Westminster Election continues to grow, and it does not seem to be downplayed by any Senior member of the Westminster Government.

The arguments for fixed term parliaments are obvious, and I believe have grown stronger due to this debacle.

However, my instinct says he now has no other option than to call the election. Not to call one, on the basis that the Tories are closing the gap in opinion polls, will make him look indecisive, a charge that will plague him for the rest of his term, and will keep him on the backfoot, which would have seemed ludicrous only a few weeks ago, but entirely of his own doing. I also believe making a statement crushing speculation is now too late.

Make up your mind Gordon! It's Time to call it!

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