Well did the earth move for you on Thursday night?
The promised earthquake arrived, the third in a month for yours truly, and no doubt the tremors will be felt all the way to London looking for a spine on the Labour Benches to crawl up.
A full 24 hour day spent in Glasgow East was enjoyable, and there many little signals that the victory was on. Having spent most of the morning at Wellshot Primary, many voters were saying this was their first SNP vote. The abandonment of polling stations by New Labour in mid evening was another signal. In saying that, I have never seen the level of anger voters had for New labour that i witnessed at most polling stations I visited in the afternoon and early evening.
The atmosphere at the count was incredible. The Labour faces said it all.
Margaret Curran's speech where she said and I quote "Inequality in the greatest gift of humankind, and New Labour will continue to champion its cause" typified a gaffe-prone campaign, as did the fact that Labour lost votes in the recount. It was the final nail. As someone posted in the Herald Forum, John Lewis staff breathed a collective sigh of relief that they narrowly avoided an awkward customer.
I am delighted for John Mason, a thoroughly decent man, who will work hard for Glasgow East, as he has proved in Glasgow City Council, and work with others to ensure that they get the best. As others said at the count, the voters love him. He will repay the East End their trust.
It is my belief that Glasgow East is a landmark by-election, and New Labour are heading into the wilderness. Like the Tories in the 1990's, it will take a generation for New labour to gain the trust of the electorate.
The voters of Glasgow East know that there is a perfectly acceptable social democratic alternative, that they are comfortable with, as they are on the Constitutional question. The number of those identifying themselves as Labour who would support Independence in a referendum was breathtaking. I am surprised that the so-called experts haven't taken into consideration the fact that the glass ceiling was removed forever in May last year.
For the SNP every vote is now up for grabs, and the challenge is to go out, work hard, and pile on the votes for Europe, Westminster and the Holyrood elections. There are no safe havens for New labour in Scotland.
Our campaign in Glasgow South West is well underway, and whilst like Glasgow East we face a considerable task, it is one which we can win. That will be the another earthquake......